About Us

Finance Academy si è affermata come la fonte di riferimento per i servizi tecnologici innovativi nei settori della banca all'ingrosso e al dettaglio, dei mercati dei capitali e delle assicurazioni.

Welcome To Finance Academy

Finance Academy is the world's finest startup providing you will unlimited financial support, advice, and services. It is also an excellent information source for financial technology and all related professionals around the world.

Finance Academy reports on all major technological developments in wholesale and retail banking, capital markets, and insurance - and then use them to help you finance your own dreams and innovative business ideas. We also provide a variety of advertising, lead generating, and promotional options to help marketers boost their campaigns, create brands, attract delegates to events, and reach out to new customers.

“Financial institutions must be able to deliver an easy to navigate, a seamless digital platform that goes far beyond a miniaturized online banking offering.” – Jim Marous

We knew that by aligning our incentives with our customers, without compromise, we could build something truly significant. With that in mind, we set out to deliver sophisticated financial products and advice to everyone. We knew that the way to build a better solution was through the use of smarter technology. We built an experience that replaced confusion with delight, and uncertainty with control. We’re aiming to bring back the feeling of defined benefits, and the financial peace of mind that goes with it. We envision a world where you can be confident of reaching your goals, whatever they may be.

Personale Straordinario
Premi Finanziari

what we do

Finance Academy reports on all major technological developments in wholesale and retail banking, capital markets, and insurance - and then use them to help you finance your own dreams and innovative business ideas.

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